Sunday, December 2, 2012

December of Thanksgiving

I am starting December's 30 thanksgivings a day late, 
no matter, I will add another day on and end Jan. 1st.
I have a lot of different things floating in my mind to
be thankful for right now, but I think I'll go with the
godly characteristics I have seen most recently
in friends, in my life:

1.  First one HAS to be the way I see many of these dear ones pursuing their love
     relationship with Jesus!

2.  Their humility, this is by far a most amazing imitation of Christ Jesus that He calls us to be like Him.

3.  Their love and the evidence of that.

4.  Their sacrifices.

5.  Their soft heart towards the things of Jesus.

6.  Their desire to be in right standing before the Lord.

7.  Their hospitality.

8.  Their passion for God's Word.

9.  Their passion for the lost.

10. Their desire to look around them for other's needs before their own.

11. Their desire to share.

12. Their trustworthiness

13. Their generosity

14. Their kindness 

15. Their teachable spirit

16. Their sensitivity

17. Their encouragement

18. Their understanding of confidentiality

19. Their faith in Christ Jesus

20. Their godly counsel

The last ten things are some of what I am thankful for in the last two days:

1.  Having Saturday dinner at friends before the church meeting.

2.  A church meeting I will never forget and very thankful for.

3.  Having a new Chinese friend for lunch and games today.

4.  Having Sunday dinner at friends

5.  The love of true friends that I see Jesus' reflection in.

6.  Talking to my daughter

7.  Aleve D that took a nasty sinus headache away today

8.  Dollar General for "quick shopping"

9.  Enjoying my favorite cookie at Sunday School today, thanks to a friend!

10. Beginning to knit again

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